Monday evenings

Weekly meditation for university students 6pm meditation on Mondays, conducted by Fr Peter Fitzsimons, followed by dinner for those who can stay.

Please transfer a $10 contribution for meals to: Ventura; BSB 033 178; account number: 342287.

Afterwards, depending on the week, you could find yourself in the Drummond Classics of Cinema evening, an occasional film club that views and discusses cinema classics old and new led by some expert commentary. The goal is to foster a genuine appreciation of what is great in cinema as opposed to what is all show and no substance, not to mention the morally destructive. Or you may find there is a guest speaker or we solve the world's problems in a debate!. On other nights we go out to feed the homeless.

Apologetics workshops

Faith and Philosophy Seminars

Recent topics have included:

  • Demonstrating the existence of God.
  • Principles of Bioethics.
  • The myth that science and faith are in conflict.

Speakers at workshops have included:

  • Peter Elliston told the story of his discovery of the Catholic faith, and of how he, then later his family, all were received into the Church.
  • Dr Conor Sweeney of the John Paul II Institute spoke on Sacraments.
  • Kevin Bailey, former High Commissioner for East Timor and now Chairman of Parousia Media, on making the most of our days to spread our faith.
  • Natasha Peart, a young mum, telling the amazing story of her conversion.
  • Andrew Milne, lawyer, dad and Kiwi, talking of what drew him to the Catholic faith.
  • Catholic Voices running a workshop on how to talk about our faith.


Faith and Philosophy. Existence of God.
Click Here

Faith and Philosophy. Free Will.

Here is a link to the clip produced at a Drummond media workshop conducted by Ray Isla.

Click Here to see the video